2020 A Coffee Shop Year to Forget
2020 has been disastrous for the high street coffee shop!
While some have embraced change and adjusted their business model, for others this hasn’t been an option due to location, rents or just bad luck.
So what's next?
Some coffee shops are just not going to make it and that is sad. They’ve relied on high footfall from office workers in town centres, who in many cases are not coming back to the office, certainly not yet.
With the high rents to pay and the staff furloughs ending, the numbers don’t stack up, and they will be forced to close, we see the headlines for companies like Pret already - the independents certainly don’t make it into the 6 o'clock news.
What does 2021 have in store?
More of the same - many businesses will try to hang on and some may make it to the other side, many may end up with bounce back loans to pay off and lack the revenues to pay those loans back or even cover the interest.
That's the doom and gloom bit over.
With many workers forecast to stay at home more extended term, they will need a break from the kitchen table, home office & back bedrooms and what better place than your neighbourhood independent coffee shop that’s now transformed into a cool workspace.
Provincial towns will become more vibrant as people stop heading into the city every day.
Banks the dull, grey, cold home of Mr Mainwaring will also transform into local workspace hubs which have already been trialled in city centres.
These local workspace hubs are not just for the new generation of digital say-at-home-mads (the opposite of nomads), but also the for staff who work in the banks. Who no longer need to go into the gleaming city headquarters, but are now working from home as well.
Also, there has been a boom in coffee drinking proper coffee at home, those aiming to replicate the coffee shop brew, roasters and some coffee shops have seen online sales go through the roof.
2021 has potential; you need to adapt to the #newworldcoffeeorder 2021